Lesson 4 The Meanings of Colors Different Colors Have Different Meanings.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 4 The Meanings of Colors

Different Colors Have Different Meanings.

1. It is associated with energy, war, danger, power. * associated with ~ 와 관련된 2. It also means desire and lo____. love 3. It is the color of fi__ and bl___d. fire blood What color is this ?

1. It is the color of cleanness and nature. 2. It also means sa____ safety 3. It is associated with g_____, cleanness, f_______. growth, freshness What color is this ?

1. It produces a warming effect. 2. It is the color of sunshine. 3. In Europe it means co______ and hope. *cowardice 소심, 비겁 coward: 겁쟁이 4. It is associated with j___, happiness, and energy. joy What color is this ?

1. It can be a calming color in Europe. 2. It is often associated with truth, wisdom, and con______. confidence 3. It is the color of the s_ _ and s_ _. sky sea What color is this ?

1. White is sometimes the color of _____ while in the West white is usually the color of wedding and black for _____ Funerals 2. The color ____ is a sacred, and imperial color in Asia. Yellow 3. Buddhists think yellow is associated with _____. wisdom; 지혜 4. ____ roses are the traditional symbol for love and a way to say “ I love you.” Red These are quizzes about colors. Fill in the blanks

5. If you want to express your thanks, ____ roses are a good choice. pink 6. It’s not a good idea to give ____ roses to your love, because the _____ rose is a symbol of friendship. yellow 7. ____ is the color of happiness and wealth and may be used to attract good luck in China. Red These are quizzes about colors. Fill in the blanks

1. The Earth and Nature 2. Career and Success 3. Health and the Sun 4. Purity, Free Flow of Energy 5. Protection and Binding Elements Together 6. Growth and Fertility 7. That which is Scared, Intuition, and Spirituality 8. Protection, Peace, Calmness, and Spirituality 9. Charisma, Love, and Passion black, blue, brown, orange, green, purple, red, white, yellow 다음 내용에 관련된 색깔을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

1. The Earth and Nature Brown ( 땅과 자연 ) 2. Career and Success Orange ( 직업과 성공 ) 3. Health and the Sun Yellow ( 건강과 태양 ) 4. Purity, Free Flow of Energy, and the Moon White ( 순수, 에너지의 자유로운 흐름, 달 ) black, blue, brown, orange, green, purple, red, white, yellow

5. Protection and Binding Elements Together Black ( 보호, 요소들의 집합 ) 6. Growth and Fertility Green ( 성장과 비옥함 ) 7. That which is Scared, Intuition, and Spirituality Purple ( 신성한 것, 직관, 영적인 것 ) 8. Protection, Peace, Calmness, and Spirituality Blue ( 보호, 평화, 차분함, 영적인 것 ) 9. Charisma, Love, and Passion Red ( 카리스마, 사랑, 정열 )

I like green most, since I like the freshness and the liveliness in it. That’s why I buy green clothes. On the other hand, I don’t like black. The color makes me think of death and loneliness. So I don’t have any black-colored clothes. Of course there are times when people look good even when they are in black. But I really like is green and I’m sure it will not change for a long time. * p. 77 D. Which color do you like best? Which color do you dislike most? Write your own articles about colors as follows.

선생님이 우리들의 희망이라고 ? 아닙니다. 여러분이 나의 희망입니다. 그리고 교단의 희망은 ? 교생선생님이 희망입니다. Please give them a big hand Now Let’s Take a Short Break!

Hello, everyone~ Thank you very much for joining me carefully. Shall we start with Today’s Special Quiz ? This time I’ll give a small gift full of my love Now are ready for it? Let’s go. Today’s Special!

Do you know? + Who is he? Do you know who he is? Do you think? + who is she? Do you think who she is? (x) Who do you think she is? (o) 동사가 think, believe, suppose, imagine 일 때 의문사가 문두로 나온다. Do you suppose? What did he do yesterday? 한문장으로 ~ What do you suppose he did yesterday? * 다음 단어를 어순에 맞게 다시 쓰시오.