Lesson 2 A Caring Friend. Making true friends is hard. Keeping them is even harder. To keep a good friendship, you need to care about others. Then, how.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2 A Caring Friend

Making true friends is hard. Keeping them is even harder. To keep a good friendship, you need to care about others. Then, how do you care about someone? Caring about others does not mean just giving or doing something good for 비교급 강조 ( 훨 씬 ) 동명사 주어 (~ 하는 것 ) 는 단수 취급하여 단수 동사가 온 다. to 부정사의 부사적 용법 ( 목적 ): ~ 하기 위해서 (= in order to, so as to) 「 need to + 동사원형」 : ~ 할 필요가 있 다 (= should, have to) -thing 으로 끝나는 대명사는 형용사가 뒤에 서 수식 배려하다, 관심 갖다 hard 의 비교급 (hard – harder – hardest)

others. If you truly care about others, you should think about their feelings and understand their situations. Imagine the following situations. 1 1 Your friend shows up to school with a 조건 ( 만약 ~ 라면 ) 나타나다 다음의, 다음에 오는 cf) follow: 따라오다 명령문 (~ 해 라 )

terrible haircut. What would you say? (a) Ha. Ha. Is it Halloween? (b) Please tell me you didn’t pay for that. (c) Don’t worry. It’s not that bad. 제발 내게 ~ 라고 말해 줘 지불하다 상대방을 위로하고 격려하는 표현 = It’s no big deal.( 아무 것도 아니야.), Don’t feel so bad.( 그렇게 슬퍼하지 마.), Don’t take it so hard.( 그렇게 심각 하게 받아들이지 마.)

2 Your art project turned out terrible. What could your friend say to you? (a) Did you do it with your eyes closed? (b) Which side is up? (c) It’s interesting. 「 with+ 명사 + 분사」 ( 동시 동작 ): ~ 을 … 한 채로

In the first situation, what did you say? Why? Did you think about the friend’s feelings? Maybe you hurt your friend’s feelings. Now imagine that you are in the same situation. Do you want to hear the same words from your friends? imagine 〔 suppose, assume 〕 that + 주어 + 동사 : ~ 라고 가정해 보자

In the second situation, what do you want to hear from your friends? If your friend says (a) or (b) to you, you may get angry with the friend. You may stop talking to him or her. You need a more caring friend. stop + 동명사 : ~ 하는 것을 멈추다 cf) stop + to 부정사 : ~ 하기 위해 멈추 다

Do you know this saying, “Put yourself in other people’s shoes” ? It means you need to understand others ’ situations. Practice putting yourself in other people’s shoes. You will be a great friend to everyone. 남의 입장이 되어 생각하 다 속담속담 practice 는 동명사만을 목적어로 취 한다.

Words & Phrases friendship care about truly situation imagine following 우정 배려하다, 관심 갖 다 진실로 상황 상상하다 다음의, 다음에 오는 show up terrible haircut Halloween pay for hurt 나타나다 끔찍한 머리모양, 이발 핼러윈 지불하다 다치게 하다