부정사의 의미상의 주어 It's more blessed (for people) to give than to receive.


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Presentation transcript:

부정사의 의미상의 주어 It's more blessed (for people) to give than to receive. KEY POINT∥ 의미상의 주어란 부정사의 행위의 주체를 뜻한다. 즉, 부정사가 나타내는 행위를 하는 사람 혹은 사물을 뜻한다. It's more blessed (for people) to give than to receive. → give하고 receive하는 주체는 people (people이 의미상의 주어) R3-4-22

부정사의 의미상의 주어 It's not good (for anyone) to know too much. 1. 일반적인 사람이 의미상의 주어 It's not good (for anyone) to know too much. It was dreadful (for us) to witness that spectacle. 2. 주어가 의미상의 주어 R3-4-22 We are happy to see you again. You must practice everyday to learn English.

부정사의 의미상의 주어 We thought her mother to control her. 3. 목적어가 의미상의 주어 We thought her mother to control her. Everyone believed her to be innocent. R3-4-22

1. 밑줄 친 부분이 부정사의 의미상의 주어가 아닌 것은? ① She didn't want me to go. ② They don't allow people to smoke. ③ You shouldn't allow such trifles to worry you. ④ They found him to misappropriate the funds. ⑤ It was dangerous for us to climb the cliff. R3-5-3 정답 ③ (의미상의 주어는 such trifles)

2. 밑줄 친 부분이 부정사의 의미상의 주어가 아닌 것은? ① She told him to write more often. ② We believed there to have been an accident. ③ It is extremely good of you to do this for me. ④ He was the first to arrive and the last to leave. ⑤ The courses for you to be taught are listed in the catalog. R3-5-3 정답 ② (의미상의 주어는 there)

※ 다음 빈칸에 for 혹은 of를 쓰시오. 3. It was rude ____ Jane to pull the kitten's tail. of 4. It's possible ____ you to get the job. for 5. It’s very kind ____ you to carry the suitcase for me. of 6. It is convenient ____ you to use the tool. for 7. It was not easy ____ us to decide what to do. for

※ 다음 빈칸에 for 혹은 of를 쓰시오. 8. It’s careless ____ you to do the work in that way. of 9. It was foolish ____ you to send her such an e-mail. of 10. It's hard ____ her to get a full mark in an exam. for 11. It is clever ____ you not to make such mistakes. of 12. It will be safe ____ you to go there with them. for

※ 다음 빈칸에 for 혹은 of를 쓰시오. 13. It is selfish ____ him to go to the movie alone. of 14. It was difficult ____ him to find the house. for 15. It will be dangerous ____ you to go climbing without any preparation. for