행동-학습 이론 2 세브란스정신건강병원 안석균
Little Albert 1. Sound by hammer(US) - Faer/Crying(UR) 2. Sound by hammer(US) - Fear(UR) Rat(CS) 3. Rat(CS) - Fear/Crying(CR)
역조건화(Counterconditioning) Base of systematic desensitization 1. Rabbit(US) - Fear(UR) 2. Food(US) - Eating-pleasure(UR) Rabbit(inhibited by eating-pleasure) 3. Rabbit(CS) - Eating-pleasure(CR)
강화물의 종류와 제공여부에 따른 행동의 변화
소거, 강화스케줄
처벌의 강도와 행동 변화
신경가소성(neural plasticity) Neuroscientific rationale of psychotherapy : Corrective emotional reexperience