Lesson 9. Reading Newspapers


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 9. Reading Newspapers English Reading Class For High School 2nd Graders

<Page 149> <학습포인트> ------------------------------------ --- 1. Content: 여성 경찰관들의 역할 증가 2. Grammar a. 현재완료 수동태: have/has been p.p b. 원급, 비교급 구문 c. 주어, 동사의 수일치

<Paragraph 1> 1. Policewomen are in ever increasing demand since it has been proven that women can be /as good /or even better than their male counterparts. : a. it has been proven that~ that 이하가 증명되어왔다.(현재완료+수동태) b. as good : 원급표현 : woman can be as good as their male counterparts.

<Paragraph 3> 2. The 112 Call Center which sends officers to crime scenes [has/have] also filled half of its posts with women. : 위 문장의 주어는 The 112 Call Center로 단수취급이므로 정답은 has이다.

<Paragraph 4> 3. Since female officers understand female victims, as well as female offenders, better than their male counterparts, they can handle some cases much more efficiently. a. female victims (B) as well as female offenders (A) : 여성 범죄자들(A) 뿐 만 아니라 여성 희생자 들 (B)도 < 해석은 (A) 뿐만 아니라 (B)도 역시 >

<학습포인트> ------------------------------------ --- 1. Content <Page 150> <학습포인트> ------------------------------------ --- 1. Content [Editorial] 한반도에서의 긴장완화 [Entertainment] 아시아를 휩쓰는 한국의 청 년문화 2. Grammar a. 접속사 since와 함께 쓰이는 현재완 료 b. come all the way from ~로부터 먼 길을 오다

<Page 152> <학습포인트> ------------------------------------ --- 1. Content: [Classified]구인, 구직광고 읽 기 2. Grammar a. [interesting/interested] applicants b. 광고에 쓰이는 표현 익히기 c. 구인 광고 내용 파악하기

Let’s Review What We Learned in the Last Class.

<Reading Newspapers> vacancy announcement

available at the Korean Economic Center. The following position is currently available at the Korean Economic Center. Interested [applicants/applications] should contact Ms. Park, Human Resources, extension 342. ------------------------------------------------------------- * Vac. No. 01-33 *Title: Economic Analyst * Location: The Office of Domestic Economic Affairs * Deadline: September 25, 2001

<COMPREHENSION QUIZ> 1. Which section in newspapers is this article put in? Classified (구인, 구직 광고란)

<COMPREHENSION QUIZ> 2. Which position (job) is available according to this ad? Economic Analyst (경제분석가)

<COMPREHENSION QUIZ> 3. Which one is correct? Interested [applicants/applications] should contact Ms. Park, Human Resources, extension 342. --------------------------------------------------- (answer) applicants (지원자) cf) application (지원, 응시)

<COMPREHENSION QUIZ> 4. What do we call ‘the last day to apply for the vacant position’? deadline (마감일)

* Objectives: <학습목표> --------------------------------------- <Page 151> <학습목표> --------------------------------------- * Objectives: a. to tell the meaning of expressions used in Sports section in newspapers b. to tell today’s weather after reading newspapers

<Page 151> <학습포인트> ------------------------------------ --- 1. Content: 신문의 스포츠 및 일기예보 섹 션 읽기 2. Grammar & Vocabulary: a. 스포츠 영역에서 event, division, stand in 9th place 등 표현들의 의미 b. 일기예보 기사를 읽고 기상예보 표현 들 이해하기

Stories in Beijing Olympic Games [MOTIVATION] http://blog.naver.com/imbad99/80054805118

Park overhauls childhood hero, claims first gold!!! When Park won the 400- meter freestyle Olympic gold medal Sunday, he left a childhood hero in his wake and gave the next generation of South Korean swimmers a homegrown champion to emulate.

South Korea’s Jang wins weightlifting gold Super heavyweight Jang Mi-ran set three world records Saturday to claim South Korea’s second weightlifting gold in Beijing and the unofficial title of the world’s strongest woman.