any Have you got any aspirin? I can't understand any of your lectures.


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Ⓒ Copyright CARROT Global. All Rights Reserved.
Sawasdee ka.
Presentation transcript:

any Have you got any aspirin? I can't understand any of your lectures. KEY POINT∥any 1. 의문문, 부정문, if절에서 Have you got any aspirin? I can't understand any of your lectures. If any of your friends are interested, let me know. R3-4-22

any You can take any of these books. KEY POINT∥any 2. [any + 단수명사] 어떤 ~라도: any가 every의 뜻으로 긍정문에서 You can take any of these books. Any child can answer that question. R3-4-22 You may come at any time between two and six.

any Do you feel any better today? KEY POINT∥any 3. any가 비교급을 강조하기도 한다. 이 때 any는 부사이다. Do you feel any better today? If we proceed any farther, we shall meet with difficulties. R3-4-22

WARNING Some birds are singing on the telephone pole. ◎ some과 any는 셀 수 있는 명사와 쓰일 때 약간의 수를 뜻하기 때문에 복수취급을 하며, 셀 수 없는 명사와 쓰일 때 약간의 양을 뜻하기 때문에 단수취급 한다. Some birds are singing on the telephone pole. R3-4-22 Is any bread all right with you?

※ 다음 빈칸에 some 혹은 any를 쓰시오. 1. Come _______ day you like. any 2. _______ students want to visit the fire station. Some 3. _______ kind will do. Any 4. He is a man who will visit you at _______ time. any 5. Won't you try _______ of this cake? some

※ 다음 빈칸에 some 혹은 any를 쓰시오. 6. May I give you _______ more tea? some 7. Ask John if he has _______ balls. any 8. I wish I had _______ red roses. some 9. I am going to grow _______ herbs next year. some 10. _______ sane person would not act as you do. Any

※ 다음 빈칸에 some 혹은 any를 쓰시오. 11. Don’t you have _______ work to do? some 12. I am sorry to say he doesn't get _______ better. any 13. I couldn't come _______ sooner. any 14. In spite of your careful explanation, I don't think it is _______ useful for us. any 15. It happened _______ twenty years ago. some

※ 다음 빈칸에 some 혹은 any를 쓰시오. 16. It will take _______ three or four thousand pounds to rebuild the house. some 17. Don't you have _______ money? some 18. Don't you have _______ pens in your pocket? some 19. Isn't _______ of them coming this evening? some 20. I'll ask _______ of them to carry this bag for me. some