[종합문법 : 제 2 장 ] <문장 요소와 5형식 타동사 종류>


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Presentation transcript:

[종합문법 : 제 2 장 ] <문장 요소와 5형식 타동사 종류> [제2장]문장5형식&타동사 [종합문법 : 제 2 장 ] <문장 요소와 5형식 타동사 종류> [제2장]문장5형식&타동사

S (주어): subject, V (동사): verb, O (목적어): object, C(보어): complement * < 문장 구성 요소와 5 형식> * The man in the store looks very old. (주 부) ( 술 부) 문장 요소와 5형식 S (주어): subject, V (동사): verb, O (목적어): object, C(보어): complement [ 완전 ] [불완전] (보어  ) (보어 ) [ 동 사 ] 자동사(목  ) ,타동사(목 ) 1형식: 2형식: 3형식: 4형식: 5형식: S(주어)+V(완전자동사) S(주어)+V(불완전자동사)+ C(주격보어) S(주어)+V(완전타동사) + O(목적어) S(주어)+V(수여동사)+ I.O(간,목)+ D.O(직,목) S(주어)+V(불완전타동사)+O(목적어)+C(목.보)

Our school begins in March. There is a bench under the tree. ◈ 1 형식 : 주어 + 동사 I can swim well. Our school begins in March. There is a bench under the tree. ※(해석에 유의할 완전자동사) Any book will do.(do: ) It doesn’t matter if we fail. (matter: ) (= It doesn’t be important [=be of importance=be of consequence= count ] if we fail. ) What does it matter? [ ] What he said does not count. (count: ) The shop closed because it didn’t pay.(pay: ) This TV works by remote control.(work: ) It reads as follows. (read: ) This chair sells(is sold: ) for five dollars.(sell: ) (cf) This book (to) me for $10 yesterday. 충분하다, 도움이 되다, 알맞다 중요하다 그것이 어떻든 무슨 상관이냐? 중요하다 수지맞다 작동하다 ~ 라고 쓰여 있다 팔린다 was sold

(He looks like a monkey.) This flower smells sweet. ◈ 2 형식 : 주어 + 동사 + 보어(주격 보어) 보어:명 사 형: 형용사형: 명사,동명사,부정사(명사 용법),명사구(절) 형용사,분사,부정사(형•용법),형용사구(절) He became a doctor. He looks pale. (He looks like a monkey.) ※ This flower smells sweet. She got angry with me. He went mad. Your dreams will come true some day. He sat surrounded by children.(유사보어) ☞ 준보어 The children came running to her.(類似 補語) 참조 look + (형) , look like +(명) : ~ 처럼 보이다. sound, smell, taste, feel + (형용사 :보어)

1) 2형식 유사보어(S.C) =>완전 자동사+(유사보어) ※유사보어(준보어): 완전 자(타)동사의 부가적 보어 1) 2형식 유사보어(S.C) =>완전 자동사+(유사보어) Mary died young.(=Mary was young when she died.) She married old.(=She was old when she married.) He returned home a different man. 순교자로 죽다] He lived a saint and died a martyr. [성직자로 살다가, The little girl came running to me.(주어 능동적 동작) (=The little girl was running when she came to me.) He came home very depressed. (주어 수동적 동작) (=He was very depressed when he came home.울적하다) He went home satisfied with my explanation. [내 설명을 듣고 만족해 하며 집으로 돌아갔다] 2) 5형식 유사보어(O.C) =>완전 타동사+(유사보어) Shall I see him again alive? (= Shall I see him again while he is alive?) [cf] Shall I see him again? <= 3형식

• He is a soldier.[명사] • He is gloomy.[형용사] ※(2형식 불완전 자동사 해석 요령) 1) Be 동사형 ( ~ 이다, 있다): 상태 • He is a soldier.[명사] • He is gloomy.[형용사] [cf] I think, therefore I am.[완전자동사: think, be(있다)] 2) keep, remain형 자동사 ( ~ 한 상태이다, 계속 ~ 하다) [ keep, remain, hold, lie, stand, stay, continue …] [vi 예]: lie asleep, keep burning, hold still:가만히 있다.. He kept quite calm. [cf] I keep a diary.(3형식:타동사) • He remained(= kept ) silent. [cf] Much remains for us to do.(1형식) [할 일이 많다] • Snow still lies thick on the ground. The tickets hold good for three days. [3일간 유효다] [cf] They hold me.(3형식:타동사) She continued smiling.(2형식) [cf] His speech continued an hour.[~이 계속되다:(1형)-vi] [cf] He continued a story. [~을 계속하다:(3형)-vt]

3) 지각(감각) 자동사[sound,smell,taste,feel..]+형용사 • The story sounds strange. [자: ~하게 들리다] He sounds a drum. [타: ~의 소리를 내다] • The butter smells somewhat bad. [자:~한 냄새가 나다] She smells a flower. [타: 냄새를 맡다] It tastes bitter. [자: ~한 맛이 나다] The cook tasted the soup. [타: ~의 맛을 보다] Wool feels smooth. [자: ~한 느낌이 있다] We feel the heat. [타: ~을 느끼다] 4) look, appear, seem, turn out(=prove:판명되다)..등 She looks happy. (~ healthy. ~ much worried. ) He seems(=appears) upset. (그는 마음이 상한 것 같다.) = He seems(=appears) (to be) upset. = It seems(=appears) that he is upset. ※[seem, appear + (to be) + 보// seem, appear + that~]

5) Become형 자동사 (~ 이 되다): 상태 변화 (become,come, get,grow,make, turn,fall, go,run...) He became a composer. He became tired. (~ 이 되다: 2형식) [cf] Her dress becomes her well.(~에 어울리다: 3형식) The leaves of trees turned yellow. (변하다: 2형식) [cf] He turned his back to me.(~을 돌리다: 3형식) [자동사 예]: {come untied : 끈이 풀리다, get drunk : 술에 취하다, make a lawyer: 변호사가 되다, go bad(mad):상하다 (미치다), run short(low, dry): 모자라다(줄어들다,마르다) } Rice grows in warm climates. [1형식] (완전 vi : 자라다) He grew weak. [2형식] (불완전 vi : ~하게 되다) He is growing grapes. [3형식] (vt : 재배하다, 기르다) The dog was running. [1형식] (vi : 달리다) The well had run dry. [2형식] (vi : 마르다) He is running the hotel.[3형식] (vt : 경영하다)

• She is taking care of my son. [take care of:돌보다] ◈ 3 형식 : 주어 + 타동사(구) + 목적어 • She is taking care of my son. [take care of:돌보다] You had better leave complaining.(불평을 그만두다) She waited on her husband hand and foot. (남편을 I overate myself.(과식하다) 정성껏 시중들다) His illness accounts for his absence. (그가 결석한 것은 그의 병 때문이다) [account for:떠맡다] I think that he is honest. ☞명사절이 목적어 ※ 동족(同族) 목적어 He lived a happy life.(= ) She smiled a bright smile.(= ) I dreamed a sweet ( strange, dreadful ) dream. (= ) They fought a fierce battle.(= ) He lived happily. 1형식 She smiled brightly. I dreamed sweetly [strangely, dreadfully]. They fought fiercely. He breathed his last (breath).☞ He shouted his loudest (shout).  최상급 다음에 동족목적어 생략

◈ 해석에 유의할 [ 완전 타동사+ 목적어 ] 3형식 1. 타동사(구)+재귀대명사 (a) 재귀대명사를 목적어로 취한 타동사구 • I absented myself from the meeting. (= I was absented from the meeting.) • You should avail yourself of every chance to improve your English. ( avail oneself of : ~ 를 이용하다) ◈ [ present oneself at = be present at]: ~에 참석하다 ◈ [ pride oneself on= be proud of= take pride in] ◈ engage(=occupy) oneself in: ~에 종사하다 ◈ devote oneself to: ~에 공헌하다 (b) 타동사+목적어(재귀대명사) : 자동사처럼 해석 • I enjoyed myself.(= I had a good time.) • I found myself lying in front of the shop. (정신을 차려 보니 가게 앞에 누워 있었다) ◈ [ seat oneself : 착석 하다]

She is taking care of my son. [take care of:돌보다] 2. 타동사구 종류 She is taking care of my son. [take care of:돌보다] She waited on her husband hand and foot.정성껏 시중들다 His illness accounts for his absence.[account for:떠맡다] ◈타동사+ 부사: bring up [양육하다], put off [연기하다,벗다], make out[~을 알다].… ◈자동사+ 전치사: ask for[~을 요구하다],run over [~을 다 쓰다], depend on [~을 의지하다], deal with [~을 다루다]… ◈자동사+부사+전치사: look up to, look forward to.. do away with [없애다]….. ◈타동사+명사+전치사: pay attention to[~을(~에) 주의하다] take care of [~을 돌보다] take advantage of [~을 이용하다] make a fool of [~을 바보 취급하다]...

3. 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 타동사[※별도 정리 참조] I discussed[ about] the problem with my father. [그 문제에 관해 아버지와 토의했다] ◈ enter (into) the classroom = go into the classroom ◈ answer ( to) the question= reply to the question ◈ leave ( from) Korea =depart(=start) from Korea ◈ reach ( to) Seoul = arrive at Seoul = get to Seoul ◈ attend (to) a wedding = take part in a wedding = participate in a wedding = present oneself at ~ [cf] attend to : 주의를 기울이다, attend on: 시중들다 4. 목적어를 동사의 결과처럼 해석 He kicked a penalty goal. (킥을 차서 골인 시켰다) I’ve worn holes in my socks. (닳아서 구멍이 났다) 5. 때,거리,방법,정도,양태 내용의 명사=>(부사구로 The meeting lasted two hours.[3] 문장 해석) (= The meeting lasted for two hours.[1])

I will give you this dictionary. ◈4 형식:주어+수여동사+간접목적어+직접목적어 A) 4 형식 문장 변형 *형식:( 주어 + 수여동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 ) I will give you this dictionary. ~에게 (간.목) ~ 을,를 (직.목) * 4 형식 문장 3 형식 문장 (4형식) I will give you this dictionary. (간접목적어) (직접목적어) to I will give this dictionary you. (3형식) ( 부 사 구) <정리> 간접목적어를 직접목적어 뒤에 위치 하고 전치사 to 로 연결시킴(대부분 수여동사) give, send, bring, sell, lend, hand, teach, show, pay, deny, owe….

for of B) I bought her a doll. I bought a doll her. ( 부 사 구) (4형식) (간접목적어) (직접목적어) for I bought a doll her. (3형식) ( 부 사 구) <정리> <수여동사>buy, make, get ,sing, find, build, cook, order...일 때 for(~을 위해서 동사들)로 연결 C) I asked him a question.(a favor) (4형식) (간접목적어) (직접목적어) of I asked a question him. (a favor:부탁) (3형식) ( 부 사 구) <정리> < 수여동사 > ask , inquire, beg ...일 때 of 로 연결시킴. (cf) I asked him his name. (직목 2개로 취급) => I asked his name of him.( X )

D) 직목을 2개로 보는 동사=>3형식으로 전환 안됨 { cost: 대가를 치루다, save: (수고)덜어 주다 envy: 부러워하다, forgive(=pardon): 용서하다 } I envy him his patience. (그의 인내심) ※형식은 4형식 => 해석은 3형식 I envy his patience of him.() This computer has saved us a lot of work.(우리 일) The work cost him his life. (그 일을 하다가 죽었다) God will forgive you your sin. (너의 죄) E) He played me a trick.=> He played a trick on me. I’ll play you a game of chess.=> I’ll play a game of chess with you. {참조} : She gave him(John) it . () => She gave it to him(John). (O) ※[ S + V+ 간•목(대•명사) + 직•목( it :대명사)일 때] => 항상 간•목을 직•목 뒤로 위치 한다)

F) 4형식의 여러 문형 1. that절=>직.목 Please tell him that I’ll call again. He showed his mother that he could take care of the dog. The radio tells us that it will be very cold tonight. 2. 간접의문문=>직.목 Tell me when he will come. (=> Tell me. + When will he come? ) (비교):Tell me when he comes.(시간부사절:D.O아님) 3. 간접화법에서=>직.목 He told me that he was happy. (=> He said to me, “I’m happy.”)

{ 5 형식}: 주어 + 타동사(구) + 목적어 + 보어(o.c) We call the boy Tom. (명사) I made her happy. (형용사) I felt the house shaking. (현재분사):진행 의미 I saw the flag raised. (과거분사):수동 의미 I helped her (to) cook. (원형 부정사, To부정사 ) ※ 문장 5형식 심화 학습 1)(지각동사),(사역동사) + 목적어 +원형 부정사 (a) 지각동사( see, hear, feel, watch, look at, listen to ….) + O + O.C I heard her sing a song. I listened to the train go by.[지나가는 소리를 들었다] (b) 사역동사( let, make, have )+ O(人) + O.C Let us go out . (바램) He made me do it at once. (강제) I had her make lunch. (부탁)

2)지각동사+O+O.C ( 원형 , 현재분사 , 과거분사) I saw him cross the road. I felt the house shaking. I saw the flag raised. <사실내용> <능동의미,진행뜻> <수동의미> ※ O.C 를 to 부정사 취하는 동사도 위와 같이 가끔 쓰임 (ex) My father told me standing by the gate.[계속 서있도록] 3) keep + O + ~ing 구문=> 동작, 상태의 계속 We kept her working until ten. They keep the fire burning. 4) 동사+목+ 목.보( to be+명, 형) => 동사 + that 절 (think,believe,guess,consider,suppose,feel,find.) I thought him (to be) wise.(※ to be 생략) = We consider him (to be) a hero.(※ to be 생략) I thought that he was wise. We consider that he is a hero.

( order, ask / want, wish [ hope] / tell, advise / 5) 동사 + 목 + 목.보(to 부정사) ( order, ask / want, wish [ hope] / tell, advise / expect, allow, invite / [사역 의미 동사들 ]: get, compel (= force, oblige), cause, persuade, forbid …) • I expect him to come back soon. [expect:미래동사] (= I expect that he will come back soon.) • He told me not to be late again. (= He told me that I should not be late again.) • I want you to do that.( I want that you will do that.) I hope that you’ll come us.( I hope you to come us.) I wish you to see us.(= I wish that you will see us.) • He compels(forces) us to learn it. (배우도록 강요한다) I’ll get her to type it. (타자하도록 하겠다) This caused her to change her mind. ※cause + 목+ to do :누구로 하여금 ~ 하게 하다 I persuaded [forbade] her to do it.(하도록 설득[강요]하다)

6) [사역]동사+ 목 + 목.보(A: 현재분사, B: 과거분사) ① I couldn’t get the computer going.(작동 시킬 수 없다) ② He couldn’t make himself understood in English. {비교} He couldn’t make me understand in English. [나는 그가 하는 영어를 이해할 수 없었다] 7) Have + O + p.p구문 여러 내용들 [①사역 : ~ 시키다 ② 수동 : ~ 당하다 ③ 상태, 완료] ① • She had her shoes shined.(사역) =>[5형식] • I will have (=get) my hair cut today. • I had the car washed by Tom. ※ have+物+ p.p (= I had Tom wash the car.) ※ have+人+ 원형 (= I got Tom to wash the car.) ※ get+人+ to do ②• She had her wallet stolen.(경험,수동) =>[5형식] (= They robbed her of her wallet.) [= She was robbed of her wallet (by them).] ③• I have no money left.(상태) =>[5형식] • Have the job done by tomorrow?(완료)=>[1형식]

1.We chose Tom captain of our team. {제 5형식 문장의 목적격 보어 여러 유형} 1.We chose Tom captain of our team. [O.C=>명사(대명사), 형용사] 2. I thought(of) him (to be, as :생략 가능) innocent. I consider him (to be, as :생략 가능) the best player. [O.C=>(to be)또는(as)+명사, 형용사] 3. He didn’t allow her to go out tonight. [O.C=> to-V(to 부정사)] 4. She let us use the kitchen. 사역동사+[ O.C=> 원형 부정사] I felt something crawl my arm. 지각동사+[ O.C=> 원형 부정사] 5. I couldn’t get the word processor going. [O.C=> 현재분사:진행,능동적] 6. I couldn’t make myself understood in English. [O.C=> p.p(과거분사):수동적]

◈ 여러 문형에 쓰인 동사 예문 ◈ (형식을 쓰시오) A. He remained here. He remained poor. B. I found the book easily. I found the book easy. C. The experiment proved a success. The experiment proved the theory. D. The dog turned out(=proved) a mad one. The dog turned out(=expelled) a stranger. The factory turns out(=produces) new cars. E. The ship made for the open sea. She will make a good nurse. God made man. My father made me a desk. He made her his wife. (1) (2) (3) (5) (2) (3) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

※ 타동사 종류: [ 목적어=> 동명사, 부정사 ] 1. 동명사만 목적어 취하는 동사 ( enjoy, stop, finish, give up, mind, put off, go on, 즐기다, 멈추다, 끝내다, 포기 하다, 꺼리다, 연기하다, 계속하다, quit, postpone, can’t help, practice, deny, 그만두다, 연기하다, 어쩔수 없이~하다, 연습하다, 부인하다, avoid , delay, admit, consider, forgive, suggest, 피하다, 미루다, 인정하다, 고려하다, 용서 하다, 제안하다 imagine, understand,... ) 상상하다, 이해하다 … ex) • They enjoyed walking. • Would you mind opening the door? ☞ ( stop + ~ ing, to 부정사 ) He stopped smoking. (~을 그만두다): (3형식) He stopped to smoke. (~하기 위하여): (1형식) (= ) He stopped working in order to smoke.

ex) • I want(hope, wish) to see you again. 2. 부정사만 목적어 취하는 동사 ( want, wish, hope, promise, plan, / expect, decide, / ask, agree, / learn, mean, refuse, / choose, offer :제안하다 , pretend:~인체하다 … [동사구 포함] ) ex) • I want(hope, wish) to see you again. • I promised not to tell a lie. • She agreed to leave in the morning. • Did you decide to sell the car. (= Did you make up your mind to sell the car.) 3. 부정사, 동명사 둘 다 목적어 취하는 동사 ( like, love, hate, begin, start, continue … ) ex) • He likes reading. (= He likes to read.) • When did you start to skate? (= When did you start skating?)

☞ 부정사, 동명사에 따라 의미가 다른 동사 *I remember meeting you before. Remember to meet the man. (과거 내용) (미래 내용) *Don't forget writing him. Don't forget to write me. (과거 내용) (미래 내용) *He tried eating the cake. He tried to eat the cake. (try+~ing시험적 내용) (try+ to 의지적 행동) *He went on talking about it. He went on to talk about it. (계속해서 ~하다) (잠시 휴식 후 계속) *He is sure of passing the exam. ( ~ 할 것을 확신하다) : 주어가 확신함 = He is sure to pass the exam. (반드시 ~ 하다) : 제 3자가 확신함 He is sure that he will pass the exam. It is certain that he will pass the exam.

혼동하기 쉬운 ◈ 자동사 ◈ 타동사 【 전치사와의 관계에 유의 】 각 동사를 꼭 사전을 통한 예문을 한 개 이상 혼동하기 쉬운 ◈ 자동사 ◈ 타동사 【 전치사와의 관계에 유의 】 각 동사를 꼭 사전을 통한 예문을 한 개 이상 찾아 반드시 예문을 통해서 암기 할 것 자주 반복 해보면서 활용

[1] 자동사 (※目:전치사의 목적어=> 타동사 아님) ※ 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사, 타동사 [1] 자동사 (※目:전치사의 목적어=> 타동사 아님) I hope for your success. ◈I hope your success. (X) ※hope:(자) hope for /(타)hope+ that, hope+to do [타] I hoped that he would have good experiences. I hope to see you again. [3형식] He looked up at the sky. ◈He looked up the sky.(X) ※look up (자) / look up to (타동사구: 동사+부사+전치사) [타] They look up to him.They look down on him.[3] graduate from+目: (~을 졸업하다) ,complain of+目:(불평) experiment on(with)+目: (실험),wait for+目: (기다리다) sympathize with+目: (동정), consent to+目: (승낙) interfere with+目: (방해), object to(against)+目: (반대) subscribe to+目: (신청,서명,찬동), apologize to+目: (사과) belong to+目: (속하다) [예문 계속 ]

◈ [ 자동사 예문 정리 ] ◈ He was graduated from Harvard. I complain of little supply. [적은 공급] They experiment on(with) mice with a new medicine. [experiment on A with B: A 를 B 로 실험하다] We waited for you to come. She sympathizes with a person. [아무에게나] They consent to a plan. It will interfere with health. I don’t object to waiting another year. I subscribed to a magazine. [신청, 구독하다] He subscribed to a document. [서명하다] They subscribed to his opinion. [찬동하다] He apologized to her for a fault. This book belongs to me. He belongs to our club.(=He is a member of our club.)

◈ [다음 어색한 곳은 바르게 고쳐 봅시다] ◈ (1) I could not help sympathize him. (2) Will you apologize him for doing it? (3) I have nothing to complain. (4) They all objected my proposal. (5) I don’t object waiting another year. (6) They experiment mice with a new medicine. (7) He graduated Harvard. (8) I subscribed a magazine. (9) They consent a plan. (10) It will interfere health. [정답] (1) sympathizing with (2) apologize to (3) comp-lain of (4) objected to (5) object to (6) experiment on (7) was graduated from (8) subscribed to (9) consent to (10) interfere with

enter (into) the classroom = go into the classroom [2] 타동사 (※ 전치사와의 관계에 유의) enter (into) the classroom = go into the classroom [cf] enter into : (사업,협상,대화..)를 시작하다 [enter into (business, conversation) with him] address (to) the nation: 국민에게 연설하다 answer (to) the question = reply to the question [cf] answer for : ~을 책임지다(=be responsible for) attend (to) a wedding = take part in a wedding = participate in~= present oneself at~= be present at~ [cf] attend to : 주의를 기울이다, attend on: 시중들다 approach (to) Seoul = get close to Seoul reach (to) Seoul = arrive at Seoul = get to Seoul marry (with) Susan = (get there) (ex) Susan was married to Tom.=Tom married Susan. resemble(with) his father = take after~, look like~

become (with, to) her = go well with(= fit = suit ) her :(그녀에게) 어울리다 leave (from) Seoul = depart(=start) from Seoul  depart[leave, start] for Seoul :서울로 떠나다 mention (about) it = speak of(about) it = talk about it = refer to it = make reference to it consider (about) the suggestion = think about the suggestion discuss (about) the matter = talk about the matter = talk over the matter 아내보다 오래 살다 survive (after) his wife=remain alive after she died await (for) your reply = wait for your reply inhabit (in) cabin = live in cabin fallow (after) him = go after him obey (to) his order • call (to) her :[그녀에게 전화하다] • greet (to) her (ex) He greeted me by saying,‘‘Hi.”

[3] (S+V+目+전치사)유형의 완전 타동사 (3형식) [3]-ⓐ형 ( S+V+목적어+ of +명사형 ) (1) This music reminds me of a warm spring day. (2) They robbed the lady of her handbag. [3]-ⓑ형 ( S+V+목적어+ with +명사형 ) Tom helped me with my English. [3]-ⓒ형 ( S+V+목적어+ from +명사형 ) The heavy rain prevented us from going out. [3]-ⓓ형 ( S+V+목적어+as+명사형,형용사형 ) I regard your suggestion as worth considering. [3]-ⓔ형 ( S+V+목적어+for+명사) [고려해 볼 가치가 있는 것] She blamed him for the failure.[실패자로써] [3]-ⓕ형 ( S+V+목적어+ to +명사형[=사람]) I owe my success to him.

She accused me of trying to steal her bag. 3-ⓐ S+V+目+ of + 명사 She accused me of trying to steal her bag. (그녀는 내가 그녀의 가방을 훔치려고 했다고 고소했다) ◈ assure 目 of [관련내용]~ : 目에게 ~ 을 보증하다 ◈ convince目of ~ : 目에게 ~을 확신(납득) 시키다, 깨닫게 ◈ suspect目of ~ : 目에게 ~의 혐의를 두다 하다 ◈ remind目of ~ : 目에게 ~을 생각나게 하다 ◈ inform目of ~ : 目에게 ~을 알리다 • I can assure you of her honesty. I assured myself that she was safe. • I convinced him of his fault. [납득 시키다] He convinced himself of his fault. [확인 하다] • They suspected him of murder. a spy.) I suspected him to be a spy.(= I suspected that he is • She reminds me of my mother. • I informed her of his success. [그녀에게 그의 성공을 알렸다] (= I informed her that he had been successful.) 

(2) S +V(제거, 박탈 뜻 동사)+目+ of + 명사 • They robbed the lady of her handbag. (그들은 숙녀에게서 핸드백을 강탈했다) [비교] He stole her money from the lady. [몰래 훔치다] ◈ rid 目of ~ : 目에게서 ~을 제거하다, ◈ relieve 目of ~ : 目에게서 ~ (짐,책임)을 없애다 ◈ deprive 目of ~ : 目에게서 ~을 박탈하다 ◈ clear 目of ~ : 目에게서 ~을 일소하다 • I rid a house of mice. [제거하다] I rid myself of a bad habit. [벗어나다] • He relieved her from(= of ) fear. [공포감을 없애주었다] The president relieved him of his post. [해임하다] • The committee deprived him of a title. [칭호를 박탈하다] • I cleared my property of debt. [부채 갚고 재산을 저당에서 해제하였다]

3–ⓑ:1 S+V+目(A)+with+ 명사(B) ※(공급 동사) 변환 ◈ provide(supply, furnish) A with B :[A에게 B를 제공(공급)하다] The media supplies us with information. [비교] They provided us food and drink.[4형식] ※ supply(provide) A with B= supply(provide) B for A (ex) They supply the students with books. = They supply books for the students. ※ furnish A with B= furnish B to A (ex) This river furnishes this town with water. = This river furnishes water to this town. ◈ entrust A with B= entrust B to A : 맡기다, 위임하다 (ex) You had better entrust him with the work. = You had better entrust the work to him. ◈ present A with B= present B to A :선사하다,주다 (ex) I presented him with a souvenir. 했다) = I presented a souvenir to him.(그에게 기념품을 선사

3–ⓑ:2 S + V + 目(A) + with+ (대)명사(B) ◈ compare 目(A) with (B) : 目을 ~와 비교하다 (A) She compared me with my brother. ◈ confuse 目(A) with (B) : 目을 ~와 혼동하다 He confuses liberty with license.(방종)◈a driver’s license ◈ help 目(A) with (B) : 目의 ~을 도와주다 Can you help me up with this case please? ◈ share 目(A) with(B):目을 ~와 공유(분배,공동부담)하다 He shared a room with a stranger. He would share penny with me.[마지막 한 푼까지 나눠 주다] Let me share the cost with you. [비용을 공동 부담 합시다] ◈ replace 目(A) with(=by) (B) : 目을 ~로 대체하다 I replaced a worn tire by(= with) a new one. [cf] A replaces B as(자격) pitcher. [A 대신 B가 투수가 되다 ] ◈ endow 目(A) with (B) : A에게 B를 주다 God endowed him with good talents. 

I charged her with carelessness. [그녀의 부주의를 책망했다 ] ◈ charge 目 (A) with (B) : 目(A) 을 (B) 와 관련하여 책망(고발)하다 目(A) 을 (B) 로 충전(장전)하다[채우다] 目(A) 에게 책임, 의무(B) 를 지우다 目(A) 에게 죄(B) 를 씌우다 , (B) 의 탓을 돌리다 I charged her with carelessness. [그녀의 부주의를 책망했다 ] Charge a gun(your glasses) with a shot(wine).[장전] He charged me with a task. [임무를 과하다 ] He charged me with a crime. [죄를 씌우다 ] ◈ leave A with B : (B)에게 目(A) 을 맡기다 I left my trunks with a porter. ◈ equip A with B: A에게 B(장비)를 갖추다 He equipped soldiers with weapons. ◈ fill A with B: A를 B로 채우다 Fill a glass with water. [cf] Her eyes filled with tears. [눈물이 가득했다] 몰두하다 ] She is filled with(is full of) her own affairs. [자신 일에

3-ⓒS+V+目+from :You must know good from bad. (사람은 선악을 가릴 줄 알아야 한다) prevent 目 from V-ing:目가 V하지 못하게 방해하다 prohibit目 from V-ing:目가 V하지 못하게 금지하다 (ex) His illness prevented(= prohibited) him from attending the meeting. (= His illness forbad him to attend the meeting.) tell (know, distinguish)目from~:目와 ~를 구분하다 (ex) I can tell wheat from barley. He can know right from wrong. Speech distinguishes man from animals. [말을 함으로서 인간은 동물과 구별이 된다 ] free 目 from~:目을 ~에서 자유롭게 하다 (ex) You must free him from want. [그를 궁핍에서 구하다 ] exempt 目 from~: 目을 ~에서 면제하다 (ex) The central[local] government exempted a com- pany from taxes.

{※ as 다음의 명사, 형용사를 목•보(O.C) 로 보는 경우 => 5형식 문형으로도 취급함 } 3-ⓓ S+V+目+ as + (명사, 형용사) 형 {※ as 다음의 명사, 형용사를 목•보(O.C) 로 보는 경우 => 5형식 문형으로도 취급함 } ◈ think of{regard, look on(=upon), consider} A as B [ A를 B로 간주하다] ◈ treat A as B :[ A를 B로 인정(취급)하다] ◈ recognize A as B :[ A를 B로 인정하다] I regard him as the best player. ( 3형식 or 5형식) (= He is regarded as the best player.) = I look upon him as the best player. (3 or 5) = I think (of) him (to be, as) the best player. (3 or 5) (= I think him that he is the best player.) = I consider him (to be, as) the best player.(3 or 5) They recognized the new nation as an independent state. [신생국가를 독립국가로 인정했다] I regard your suggestion as worth considering. Don’t treat me as a child.

I paid 200 dollars for this watch. (이 시계를 $20에 샀다) 3-ⓔ S+V+目+ for + 명사 ◈ pay目(금액) for(물건) : ~ 의 대가로 目을 지불하다 I paid 200 dollars for this watch. (이 시계를 $20에 샀다) ◈ blame 目 for~ : ~ 을 이유로 目을 비난하다 I don’t blame you for doing that. [cf] They blamed me for the accident.[사고의 책임을 씌우다] (= They blamed the accident on me. ) ◈ change(exchange)目 for~ : 目을 ~와 교환하다 He exchanged honor [tea] for wealth [sugar]. [그는 명예를 부와 바꾸었다. / 차와 설탕을 교역하다] ◈ sell 目 for~ : 目을 ~의 금액에 팔다 I’ll sell it to you for $10. [너에게 $10에 팔것이다] This shirt sells for $10. [이 셔쓰는 $10에 팔린다] [◈ is sold(x)] ◈ mistake 目 for~ : 目을 ~으로 잘못 보다 He mistook the cloud for an island.[구름을 섬으로 잘못보다 ◈ thank 目 for~ : ~ 에 대해 目에게 감사하다 She thanked him for his advice. 

I asked him for some money. ◈ ask 目 for~ : 目에게 ~을 요구하다 (구하다) I asked him for some money. I asked him 20,000 won for this watch. [2만원을 청구하다] How much do you ask for this watch? ◈ compensate 目 for~ : ~ 에 대해 目에게 보상하다 I compensated him for loss. [그에게 손실을 배상 했다] [cf] I compensated to him with money.[돈으로 보상했다] ◈ substitute 目 for~ : 目을 ~ 대신 사용하다 She substituted margarine for butter.[버터 대신 마가린 씀] ◈ take 目 for~ : 目을 ~ 로 받아들이다 She decided to take him for her husband. They took my story for a lie.[내이야기를 거짓말로 생각했다] ◈ punish 目 for~ : ~ 을 이유로 目을 벌하다 A referee(=An umpire) punished me for my offense. ※ for 다음을 O.C 로 보는 경우 5형식으로도 취급 ex) She blamed him for the failure.( 3형식 or 5형식)

3-ⓕ S+V+目+ to (사람) : ~ 에게 ~을 V 하다 She described the scene to us. ( 우리에게 그 광경을 설명했다 ) ※ 수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운 완전타동사: 3형식 ◈ leave 目 to+(사람) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(사람) 일임하다 • I’ll leave the discussion to him. (결정을 그에게 맡기겠다) ◈ announce 目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 발표하다 • He announced his plan to us. ◈ suggest 目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 제안하다 • He suggested a new plan to the committee. ◈ introduce 目 to+(人) :目을 ~ 에게(人) 소개하다 • Please introduce me to Mr. John. ◈ propose 目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 제의하다 • He proposed marriage to her.(=He proposed to her.) ◈ mention 目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 언급하다 • I shall mention it to him. 

• He proved his courage to them. • Point out any errors to me. ◈ prove 目 to + (人) :目(일, 사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 증명하다 • He proved his courage to them. ◈ point out目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 지적하다 • Point out any errors to me. (= They pointed out my errors.) ◈ describe 目 to+(人):目(내용, 사건)을 ~에게(人) 설명하다 • She described a scene to me. • Can you describe the man(=him) to me? ◈ explain 目 to + (人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 설명하다 I explained the process to him. (3형식) [  I explained him the process .] [cf] He explained to me that he should go right away. I will explain to you what to do (what this means). ※ explained + 전+ 목(to me)+ that절 ※ explained + what to do(= what절) 

• He confessed his fault to a priest. ◈ confess目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~ 에게(人) 고백하다 • He confessed his fault to a priest. • He confessed to Tom that he had taken the money. ◈ declare目 to+(人) :目(일,사건)을 ~에게(人) 선언하다 • They declared guilt(guiltiness) to the accused. (= The accused was declared (to be) guilty.) ◈ attribute A to B : A 를 B 의 탓으로 돌리다 • They attributed a disaster to his imprudence. [그들은 재해를 그의 경솔함의 탓으로 돌렸다] ◈ add A to B : A 를 ~ B 에(~에게) 부가하다 • Add three to four.(Three added to four makes seven.) • He added sugar to tea. ◈ prefer A to B = prefer A(to-v) rather than B(to-v) I prefer fish to meat. (고기[B]보다 생선[A]을 좋아하다) • He prefers to read rather than to watch TV. 

• He complained to his mother that his allowance ◈ complain to + 目(人) + that절, about : ~ 에게(人) ~ 을 불평 하다 • He complained to his mother that his allowance was too small. [용돈이 부족하다고 불평하다] (= He ~ his mother about his pocket money.) ※(자) complain of (about): ~을(~에 대해서) 불평하다 He complained of little supply. ◈ suggest to+目(人)+that절:~ 에게(人)~을 제안하다(권하다) He suggested to me that I (should) talk a walk every day. ※ suggest + 목 + 전 + 명(人) : ~을 …에게 제출하다 I suggested another plan to the committee. [또 다른 계획을 위원회에 제출했다] ◈ refer+ 目(人)+ to+ 명사: …에게 ~을 참조하라 말하다 He refers his students to this dictionary. [그의 학생들에게 이 사전을 참조하라 말하다]

[say, tell, talk, speak의 용법 차이] ◈ say to+目(人) + that ~ : ~ 에게(人) ~ 을 말하다 They said to John that he is guilty. [~에게 that~을 말하다] ※ say to do: ~ 라 명하다(지시하다) • He said for me to start at once. ◈ tell +目(人) + that ~ : ~ 에게(人) ~ 을 말하다 tell +目(人) + to V ~ : ~ 에게(人) ~ 을 말하다(명령하다) She told me that she had been to America. Tell them to be quiet. ◈ talk with +目(人) + (about ~) : (~ 에 대해서) ~ 와 개인 적인 담화를 하다 She was talking with her friend (about the matter). ◈ speak to +目(人) +(about ~): (~ 에 대해서) ~ 와 말하다 I’ll speak to her (about it).

• He proved his courage to them.(3) • He proved his identity. [신원을 증명했다] (3) (타-b) ~ + 목 + (to be)보어 • He proved himself (to be) a capable businessman.(5) (타-c) ~ + that절 • I can prove that his answer is right.(3) (타-d) ~ + 목+ 전+ 명 • He proved his courage to them.(3) (자-a) ~ + (to be)+보어 • It proved (to be) insufficient. [그것이 불충분 하다는 것을 알았다] • The experiment proved (to be) successful. [실험은 성공적이었다] (자-b) ~ + to V :[~ 이 되다] • He will prove to know nothing about it. [그는 것에 대해 아무것도 모른다는 사실을 알게 될 것이다]

【 타동사 종류 요약 정리 】 ◈ 타동사 + (O) + to부정사 ◈ 타동사 + 동명사 각각의 동사들을 사전을 통해 【 타동사 종류 요약 정리 】 ◈ 타동사 + (O) + to부정사 ◈ 타동사 + 동명사 각각의 동사들을 사전을 통해 다양한 쓰임을 문장으로 확인 하고 자주 보면서 활용하길 바람 각 동사마다 몇 개의 문장 예문을 쓰시오

afford, agree, arrange, ask, choose, 1. [타동사 + to부정사]형을 취하는 타동사 [제2장]문장5형식&타동사 afford, agree, arrange, ask, choose, 제공하다 동의하다 정돈하다 부탁하다 선택하다 contrive(=manage), decide, demand, deserve, 용케(그럭저럭)~하다 결심하다 요구하다 ~할만하다 desire, endeavor, expect, fail, hope, learn, 바라다 ~하려노력하다 기대하다 저버리다 바라다 배우다 long, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, 간절히바라다 다루다 제공하다 계획하다 ~인체하다 약속하다 refuse, threaten, want, wish (밑줄 that절도 받음) 거절하다 협박하다 원하다 바라다 2. [타동사+(대)명사+to부정사]형을 취하는 타동사 (5형식:S+V[order,ask,want…]+ 목+ 목.보[to부정사] accustom, advise, aid, allow, appoint, ask, 익히다 충고하다 돕다 허락하다 임명하다 부탁하다 assist, beg, believe, cause, challenge, command, 거들다 구걸하다 믿다 원인이되다 도전하다 명령하다 [제2장]문장5형식&타동사

commission, compel, consider, defy, desire, 위임하다 억지로시키다 ~을~로생각하다 도전하다 바라다 direct, drive, empower, enable, encourage, 지도하다 ~상태에빠지다 권한부여하다 ~할수있다 격려하다 entice, entitle, entreat, expect, force, forbid, 꾀다 부여하다 간청하다 기대하다 억지로시키다 금하다 get, help, imagine, impel, implore, incite, ~하게하다 돕다 상상하다 억지로시키다 간청하다 격려하다 induce, inspire, instruct, intend, invite, know, lead, 권유하다 격려하다 지시하다 의도하다 초대하다 알다 꾀다 leave, oblige, order, permit, persuade, 내버려두다 어쩔수없이~하다 명령하다 허락하다 설득하다 press, prompt, provoke, remind, require, 강요하다 자극하다 자극하여~시키다 일깨우다 요구하다 stimulate, summon, suppose, teach, tell, tempt, 자극하다 소환하다 추측하다 훈련시키다 지시하다 유혹하다 think, trust, urge, want, wish, warn 생각하다 안심하고 시키다 강력히 권하다 원하다 바라다 경고하다 (밑줄 that절도 받음)

abominate, acknowledge, admit, advocate, anticipate, 3. [타동사 + 동명사]형을 취하는 타동사 abominate, acknowledge, admit, advocate, anticipate, 혐오하다 인정하다 인정하다 지지하다 예기하다 appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, contemplate, 인정하다 피하다 찬양하다 고려하다 시도하다 defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, dispute, 연기하다 미루다 부인하다 혐오하다 싫어하다 분쟁하다 doubt, endanger, enjoy, entail, escape, excuse, 의심하다 위태롭게하다 즐기다 수반하다 모면하다 용서하다 fancy, favor, finish, foresee, forgive, give up, 공상하다 베풀다 끝마치다 예견하다 용서하다 포기하다 grudge, imagine, include, involve, justify, 인색하게굴다 상상하다 포함하다 수반하다 정당화하다 keep, mean, mention, mind, miss, necessitate, 보존하다 의미하다 언급하다 꺼려하다 놓치다 ~을필요로하다

pardon, postpone, practice, prevent, prohibit, propose, 용서하다 연기하다 실행하다 방해하다 금하다 제의하다 put off, quit, recall, recollect, repent, report, 연기하다 그만두다 상기하다 회상하다 후회하다 보고하다 resent, resist, resume, risk, stop, 분개하다 저항하다 다시차지(시작)하다 감히~하다 그만두다 suffer, suggest, tolerate, understand 겪다 제의하다 관대히다루다 이해하다 (밑줄 that절도 받음)