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Presentation transcript:

Building Background Knowledge (Knowing the meaning of a Spring) 배경지식 쌓기 활동 교육 시에는 봄의 배경 판에 봄에 볼 수 있는 곤충이나 거미를 낚시 줄에 달아 위로 올려 주며 활동 했었지만 영상의 선생님처럼 간단 히 준비하여 활동 하셔도 좋습니다. 또는 다 함께 워크북‘Brainstorming’ 페이지를 활동하며 시연하셔도 좋습니다. “ Do you see that spring is here. Spring is here. Spring is here. Do you see that spring is here. Tell me what you see? I see . And what can you see more? And what do we see more?” 이태리 선생님이시네요:P 중간 중간의 이태리어를 우리말로 활동 해 주시면 되겠죠?

Spring is here 배경 지식 쌓기 활동을 마치고 봄에 대한 영상도 함께 감상하세요~

Body parts Everybody has a body and everybody has a body parts. You have 10 fingers you have 10 toes. You have 2 eyes and you have one nose. You have 2 arms, you have 2 legs. And you have hairs on top of your head. You use your hands to pick things up. You use your arms to give great big hug. You use your legs to run around And your feet's always touch the grounds You use your eyes when your looking. You use your nose to smells what’s cooking. You use your ears to hear the song. You use your mouth to sing along. Hey everyone I have an idea. Why don’t we all play a game! Okay here we go! Touch your head. Touch your toes. Touch your arms. And touch your nose. Shake you head. Wiggle your toes. Wave your arms and wrinkle your nose. Body parts. *반복 이 노래는 워크북 Fun Time과 Comprehension을 활동하는 날 사이드 송으로 부르세요~ ( 8차 시 가이드 맵 Day3& Day6)

Workbook 활동을 위한 노래들 Colors Shapes Number

Shapes song Lookout we are shapes! I am a circle. You can see me everywhere. Like a full moon in the night. And the eyes of teddy bear. *2 I am a square. You can see me everyday. Like the tiles on the floor. And your pizza box, I say. *2 I am a triangle. You have seen me I am sure. On the sail of a boat. And they pizza slice sheet ? *2 I am a rectangle. You have seen me. Oh you have. On your window. On your door. And even in your microwave. *2

I see colors everywhere! What colors do you see. Red, red. Hello red! Blue, blue Hello blue! Red , red goodbye red. Blue, blue. Goodbye blue. See you later blue. 2. Yellow, Green. 3. Orange, Pink. 4. Purple, Brown. 5. Black, White. What do you see?

Five Little monkeys (dance video)

즐거운 Workbook활동을 위하여 Color, number, shape를 알려 주세요. 선생님의 지시를 알아들으며 유아 스스로 자신감을 갖게 됩니다. Workbook 활동시의 멘트 예) I am a dog. Is it true (양팔로 원을 만들며)? I am a teacher. Is it true? (양팔로 원을 만들며)? Okay, I see. When something is ‘true’. It means something is right. 아하, ‘true’는 무엇인가가 맞다, 옳다라고 말하는 것이구나. 그렇다면 그 반대는? False!( 양팔로 X를 만들며) ‘ False’ 라고 해요. There are 4 boxes (squares). Can you see? Let’s count it together. 1, 2, 3, 4! Let’s start with a yellow box (square). ‘I am a spider.’ ( 미심쩍은 표정을 짓는다.) Is it true( 양팔로 동그라미를 그리며or 손가락으로) or false( 양팔or 손가락으로 X를 만들며)? Then check at a blue box. It means false. ‘F’라고 쓰여있는 게 보이죠? Next, in a green box(square), What can you see? A butterfly? It says ‘I am a butterfly.’ is it true( 양팔로 동그라미를 그리며or 손가락으로) or false( 양팔or 손가락으로 X를 만들며)? Let’s check at the pink box( square). Wonderful!....