19.1 Material Management Process FIGURE 19.1 The owner-architect-construction relationship 주문 승인 제작/공급 시공 FIGURE 19.2 Material life cycle
FIGURE 19.3 Field purchase order Simple Contract 19.2 The Order 주계약자가 공사를 나눠서 하도급자들에게 총액 기준으로 공사를 분배 함으로써 총액 공사비 내에서 공사를 마무리 할 수 있도록 함 FIGURE 19.3 Field purchase order Simple Contract
FIGURE 19.4 Formal purchase order Complex Contract 19.2 The Order FIGURE 19.4 Formal purchase order Complex Contract
19.2 The Order Regardless of the complexity of the transaction, certain basic elements are present in any purchase order. (구매 주문에 꼭 포함되어야 하는 내용) Quantity or number of items required. Item description. This may be a standard description and stock number from a catalog or a complex set of drawings and specifications. Unit price. Payment terms specifying the timing of payment for the goods purchased. Special instructions. 설명, 지시 Signatures of agents empowered to enter into a contractual agreement. 구매 주문: Buyer 작성 Vender 수정
FIGURE 19.5 Procurement documents and title transfer sequence 19.2 The Order CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) : Vender Carrier Purchaser : 수송 중 책임을 구매자가 가짐 Free On Board (FOB) & COD (Cash On Delivery) : Vender Carrier Purchaser : 수송 중 책임을 판매자가 가짐 구매자가 제반 수수료를 지급 배송 : 구매자 책임 배송 : 판매자 책임 구매자가 받음과 동시에 비용지급 FIGURE 19.5 Procurement documents and title transfer sequence 소유권
FIGURE 19.6 Typical bill of lading : 선하증권 19.2 The Order FIGURE 19.6 Typical bill of lading : 선하증권
FIGURE 19.7 Typical invoice 19.2 The Order FIGURE 19.7 Typical invoice
19.2 The Order Terminology relating to trade discounts is as follows: ROG/AOG: The discount period begins upon receipt of goods (ROG) or arrival of goods (AOG). 10일 내 지급하면 2%할인 30일 내 지급하면 정상가 다른 표현들 2/10 NET 30 ROG: This expression appearing on the invoice means 2% can be deducted from the invoiced amount if the contractor pays within 10 days of AOG/ROG. Full payment is due within 30 days of AOG/ROG. 2/10 PROX NET 30: A 2% cash discount is available if invoice is paid not later than the 10th of the month following ROG. Payment is due in full by the end of the following month. 2/10 EOM: The discount (2%) is available until the end of the month (EOM) following ROG payment in full is due thereafter. 레미콘 차량이 현장 진입 시 가스 관로를 밟아서 파손이 되었다면… 이 건에 대한 책임은 누구에게 있는가? “Hold Harmless”에 따라 Vender 또는 Purchaser에게 있음 Purchase Order에 “Hold Harmless”에 대해 서술
19.3 Approval Process The contract drawings prepared by the architect are generally not specific enough to facilitate accurate fabrication of the materials involved. 계약 시 첨부된 설계도면 만으로는 정확하게 어떤 자재가 사용되는지 파악하기 어렵다. Therefore, to produce the necessary materials for a project, subcontractors and suppliers must provide details that further amplify the contract drawings. These details can be classified into three groups: (a) shop drawings, (b) product data, and (c) samples. 하도급사나 자재 공급자로부터 시공 도면, 제품 자료, 견본 등의 정보(submittals)를 제출 받아야 함. 이후 시공자나 설계자가 submittals를 검토 후 승인 미승인의 경우 수정보완후 다시 제출
19.4 Fabrication and Delivery Process Submittals (Shop drawings, Product data, Samples) 승인 납품 일정 결정 제작 주계약자가 공장 방문을 통해 진도 관리 (Expediting) 승인된 Submittals를 이용하여 입고 물품 품질 검사
19.5 Installation Process Depending on how effectively materials are scheduled and expedited, materials arriving at the job site may be installed immediately, partially installed and partially stored, or completely stored for later installation. 납품 일정이 얼마나 효과적으로 결정되었는 가에 따라 즉시 시공, 부분 시공, 부분 보관, 전체 보관 등의 상황 발생 즉시 시공이 가장 바람직함 재고관리 필요 추후 사용을 위해 자재를 보관하는 경우, 날씨로부터 자재를 안전하게 보호해야 하며, 도난을 방지해야 함.
19.6 Material Types Building construction materials can be logically grouped into three major categories: (a) Bulk materials that require little or no fabrication 1~5일 정도의 Delivery Time (배송시간: 주문 후 자재가 현장에 도착하는 데까지 걸리는 시간) : 제품성능 자료 등의 Submittals 필요 (b) Manufacturer’s standard items that require some fabrication 3~12주 정도의 Delivery Time (배송시간) : 제품성능 자료, 시공 도면, 샘플 등의 Submittals 필요 (c) Items that are fabricated or customized for a particular project 2~12주 정도의 Delivery Time (배송시간) : 제품성능 자료, 시공 도면, 샘플 등의 Submittals 필요
19.6 Material Types Typical Bulk Materials Paving materials Fill materials—crushed stone, soil, sand, etc. Damproofing membrane Lumber and related supplies Form materials—plywood, post shores, etc. Ready-mix concrete Wire mesh Stock reinforcing steel and accessories Masonry Stock miscellaneous metals Soil and waste piping Water piping Electrical conduit Electrical rough-in materials—outlet boxes, switch boxes, etc. Caulking and sealants
19.6 Material Types Typical Standard Material Items General Materials Fencing materials Formwork systems—metals and fiberglass pans, column forms, etc. Brick paving Brick or ceramic veneers Standard structural steel members Metal decking Waterproofing products Insulation products Built-up roof materials Caulking and sealants Standard casework and millwork Special doors Metal-framed windows Finish hardware and weather-stripping Ceramic and quarry tile Flooring materials Acoustical ceilings Paints and wall coverings Lath and plaster products Miscellaneous specialties Equipment—food service, bank, medical, incinerators, etc. Building furnishings Special construction items—radiation protection, vaults, swimming pools, itegrated ceilings Elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, etc. Mechanical and Plumbing Equipment and Materials Fire protection equipment Water supply equipment Valves Drains Clean-outs Plumbing fixtures Gas-piping accessories Pumps Boilers Cooling towers Control systems Air-handling equipment Refrigeration units (chillers)
19.6 Material Types Typical Standard Material Items Electrical Equipment and Materials Busduct Special conduit Switchboards and panels Transformers Wire Trim devices Lighting fixtures Underfloor duct Communications devices Motors and starters Motor control centers Electric heaters Fire alarm equipment Lightning protection equipment Concrete reinforcement Structural steel Precast panels and decks Stone veneers Miscellaneous and special formed metals Ornamental metals Millwork Custom casework and cabinetwork Sheet metal work Sheet metal veneers Hollow metal doors and frames Wood and plastic laminate doors Glass and glazing Storefront Window walls and curtain walls