Summary of procedure in the L/C ;


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of procedure in the L/C ; 1. The buyer and seller conclude a sales contract providing for payment by a Documentary Credit. 2. The buyer instructs his bank-the “Issuing Bank"-to issue a Documentary Credit in favor of the seller (Beneficiary). 3. The Issuing Bank issues the Documentary Credit and asks another bank (the Advising Bank), usually in the country of the seller, to advice or confirm the Documentary Credit. 4. The Advising Bank informs the seller that the Documentary Credit has been issued. 5. As soon as the seller receives the Documentary Credit and is satisfied that it meets the terms of the sales contract and that he can meet the Documentary Credit terms and conditions, he is in a position to effect shipment. 6. Seller then sends the required documents to the bank where the Documentary Credit is made available (the Nominated Bank).

7. The bank examines the documents against the Documentary Credit 7. The bank examines the documents against the Documentary Credit. If they meet the requirements of the Documentary Credit, the bank will pay, accept, or negotiate, according to the terms of the Documentary Credit. 8. The bank which takes up the documents & sends the documents to the Issuing Bank. 9. The Issuing Bank examines the documents and, if the documents meet the Documentary Credit requirements, reimburses in the pre-agreed manner the Confirming Bank or any other Nominated Bank that has paid, accepted or negotiated under the Documentary Credit. 10. When the documents have been examined by the Issuing Bank and are found to meet the Documentary Credit requirements, they are released to the buyer. 11. The Issuing Bank obtains reimbursement from the Buyer in the pre-agreed manner. 12. The buyer forwards the transport document to the local office or agent of the carrier who will then effect delivery of the goods to him.

Chapter 2. 무역영어의 의의 Commercial Expression or Style Terminology(전문용어) Business English = Everyday English+Technical Terms+ Commercial Expression or Style Terminology(전문용어)

AGREEMENT ON GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS 【Model Letter 10】 General terms and conditions of business-교재 199 AGREEMENT ON GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS It is hereby agreed between JOHNSON & SONS CO., INC., NEW YORK, U.S.A. (hereinafter called the “Sellers”), and THE KOREA TRADING CO., LTD., SEOUL, KOREA (hereinafter called the “Buyers”), that all business shall be conducted on the following terms and conditions: 1. Business(Privity)(법률상호관계)):Both Sellers and Buyers shall act as principals on their own account and responsibility. 2. Goods:Goods in business, their unit to be quoted, and their mode of packing shall be stated in the attached list. 3. Prices:Unless otherwise specified in cables, telexes, facsimile messages, or letters, all prices submitted by either party shall be quoted in U.S. Dollars on an F.O.B. New York basis 4. Firm Offers:All offers shall be considered “firm” subject to a reply reaching the Sellers within five (5) days from and including the day dispatched. Sundays and all official Bank Holidays are excepted. 5. Orders:Any business closed by cable, telex or facsimile shall be confirmed in writing without delay, and orders thus confirmed shall not be cancelled unless by mutual consent.

6. Letter of Credit:An Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be established in favor of the Sellers immediately upon confirmation of sale. Credit shall be made available fourteen (14) days beyond the stipulated time of shipment in each contract. 7. Payment:Drafts shall be drawn under Letter of Credit at sight, documents attached, for the full invoice amount. 8. Shipment:All goods sold in accordance with this Agreement shall be shipped to the buyers within the period stipulated. The date of the Bill of Lading shall be taken as a conclusive proof of the day of shipment. Unless Expressly agreed upon, the port of shipment shall be at the Seller’s option. 9. Marine Insurance:All shipments shall be covered on ICC(B) for a sum equal to the amount of the invoice plus ten (10) per cent, unless any other conditions are specifically agreed upon. All policies shall be made out in U.S. Dollars and claims payable in Seoul. 10. Quality:The Sellers shall guarantee all shipments to conform to samples, types or descriptions, with regard to quality and condition.

11. Force Majeure:The Sellers shall not be responsible for any delay in shipment in any case of force majeure, including mobilization, war, riots, civil commotions, hostilities, blockade, requisition of vessels, prohibition of export, fires, floods, earthquakes, tempests, and any other contingencies, which prevent shipment within the period stipulated. In the event of any of the aforesaid hurricane causes arising, documents proving its occurrence or existence shall be sent by the Sellers to the Buyers without delay. 12. Delayed Shipment:In all cases of force majeure provided for in Article No.11, the period of shipment stipulated shall be extended for a period of fourteen( 14) days. In case shipment within the extended period shall still be prevented by a continuance of the causes mentioned in the article or the consequences of any of them, it shall be at the Buyer’s option either to allow the shipment of late goods or to cancel the order by giving the Seller the notice of cancellation. 13. Claims and Arbitration:Claims, if any, shall be submitted by telex or fax within fourteen (14) days from the date of final discharge of the goods at destination. Certificates by recognized surveyors shall be sent by mail without delay. All claims which cannot be amicably settled between Sellers and Buyers shall be submitted to arbitration in Korea by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board according to the arbitration rules of said Board. In witness whereof, JOHNSON & SONS CO., INC. have hereunto set their hand in duplicate on the 1st day of April, 2012, and THE KOREA TRADING CO., LTD. have hereunto set their hand in duplicate on the 1st day of May, 2012. This agreement shall be valid on and from the 1st day of June, 2012, and none of the Articles in this agreement shall be changed or modified unless by mutual Consent.

THE KOREA TRADING CO., LTD. ______________________________ (Buyers) THE KOREA TRADING CO., LTD. ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ In-su Kim President Seoul, May 1, 2012 (Sellers) JOHNSON & SONS CO., INC. (Signature) William Johnson President NY, April 1, 2012

제7장 무역보험 제2절 해상보험

2. 신용장 거래과정 통지은행 개설은행 (Advising Bank) (Issuing Bank) 지정(매입)은행 제3장 신용장 방식 2. 신용장 거래과정 신용장 거래절차- 교재 p.221참조 수익자 (Beneficiary) 통지은행 (Advising Bank) 개설은행 (Issuing Bank) 개설의뢰인 (Applicant) ⑥대금회수 ② 신 용 장 개 설 의 뢰 ⑥화환어음제시 ⑤선적 ①무역계약체결 ④신용장 통지 ⑦ 화환어음송부 ③ 신용장 개설 ⑩상품인도 ⑤ 선적서류 교부 ⑩ 선적서류 제시 ⑨ 선 적 서 류 인 도 ⑨ 수 입 대 금 지 급 확인은행 (Confirming Bank) 지정(매입)은행 (Nominated/ Negotiating Bank) ⑧ 매입대금 보상

* D/P 또는 D/A 표시 없으면 D/P로 간주 제4장 무(無)신용장 방식 2. 추심방식 지급인도방식(D/P ; Documents against Payment) : 수출상의 선적서류를 수입상에게 제시할 때, 수입상이 대금결제를 하여야 서류를 넘겨 주는 방식 * D/P 또는 D/A 표시 없으면 D/P로 간주 추심은행 (collecting bank) 선박회사 수입상 수출상 추심의뢰은행 (remitting bank) ⑧대금지급 (대금결제) ⑨화물도착통지 ⑩화물인도 (B/L제시) ⑤추심의뢰 (선적서류제공) ⑫대금지급 ⑪대금송금 ⑥추심지시 (선적서류송부) ⑦추심실행 (서류제공) ①매매계약 ④B/L발급 ③선적의뢰 ②보험가입 화물수송 ⓒ무역대금결제, 박광서(공저)

2. 추심방식(Collection basis) 제4장 무(無)신용장 방식 2. 추심방식(Collection basis) 인수인도방식(D/A ; Documents against Acceptance) : 화환신용장 없이 수출입업자간에 맺은 무역계약에 따라 서 화물어음 으로 대금을 결제하는 방식. 추심은행 (collecting bank) 선박회사 수입상 수출상 추심의뢰은행 (remitting bank) ⑧대금지급 (대금결제) ⑨화물도착통지 ⑩화물인도 (B/L제시) ⑤추심의뢰 (선적서류제공) ⑬대금지급 ⑫대금송금 ⑥추심지시 (선적서류송부) ⑦추심실행 (서류제공) ①매매계약 ④B/L발급 ③선적의뢰 ②보험가입 화물수송 ⑪만기일대금결제